Spalted Sycamore Live Edge Desk

Spalting is caused by mold inside the tree prior to the tree being harvested. These sycamore slabs have so much spalting character throughout. This custom desk is 6ft 2in long, x 37in wide with a live edge on one side. This is sealed with a thin epoxy flood coat, and topcoated with BallistiX CounterAttack Plus to protect it. 

The color is a custom mix between Amaterasu Silver and Ghost Blue from Eye Candy Pigments. 

Available for Purchase, call us to schedule delivery: $3,600

Break Out

Sure, it takes extra time to prep our form by covering the entire form in tape and caulking all of the edges, but it makes the break out of the finished project a breeze! Don’t forget to caulk all your edges with 100% silicone. (And then check all your edges and cracks 3 more times to prevent any chances of leaks)

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